Faces of Love Read online

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His breathing momentarily ceased as he stared at her pale face. How did she know? Certainly it wasn’t so obvious! Even Howard had failed to take note of Stuart’s declining health. Was it obvious to the rest of the world while hidden from his son because the latter was blinded by anger?

  He stared at her, her eyes clouding with compassion. Then, as if realizing that she held his hand captive, she released it and bowed her head.

  “Forgive me,” she whispered.

  “We should get going.” A voice called from behind her.

  It was only then that Stuart noticed the hefty blond man who stood behind her, his eyes darting from left to right ever so often. Stuart followed his gaze to find that a small crowd had formed across the street, watching the exchange. Confused, Stuart’s eyes settled on the woman.

  “How did you know what it was?” he asked, wanting to keep the conversation going. He wanted to know who she was and why she drew so much attention.

  “My father, it killed him.” She laughed nervously. “I will recognize it anywhere, having spent most of my childhood caring for such a man.” She turned slightly to the man who stood behind her. “We should get going, Max.” She turned back to Stuart, a smile on her face. “Nice talking to you, sir. It has been a while since I have had a decent conversation with anyone.” She made to walk past him.

  “Wait!” She froze. “Have dinner with us.”

  A smile brightened her features but disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

  She sighed. “I’m afraid I have greatly misled you. You see, I’m the town’s worst citizen. Hated by all, loved by none, town’s prostitute!” She gestured with her hand and gave a mock curtsey. “Which explains the crowd gathered, tearing you apart with their eyes.” She giggled, openly pointing a finger at a group of women who stood across the street, whispering. Seeing her, the women gasped and pressed a hand to their chest. “They are speaking of how shameless you are, soliciting a woman like me in broad daylight.” She laughed.

  For a second, he allowed her words to sink in, his eyes scanning the crowd that beheld them both in indignation.

  Turning back to her, he found that her smile did not waver; she was beautiful. She was beautiful in ways he couldn’t quite put a finger on, yet he knew her beauty went beyond her physical features. He especially knew he wanted to see her again.

  “Dinner is by seven tonight,” he answered.

  “Are you sure you want the town’s prostitute soiling your reputation?” Her eyes sparkled.

  “What’s your name?”

  She opened her mouth but closed it just as quickly. Smiling once more, she replied, “Gloria.”

  Stuart nodded. “Gloria, it will be an honor if you will join me for dinner in the Sullivan mansion about a mile away. Ask around.”

  She offered a slight nod before walking past him.


  She didn’t forget him.

  Standing by the entryway with her fists on her hips, Gloria was unable to forget the kind old man. She could not forget his welcoming gaze that failed to behold her either in lust or in disdain. She could not forget his welcoming smile and the warmth he exuded.

  For the first time since Gloria was a little girl, a man was kind to her. He treated her with so much kindness, she was starting to believe she was human again and not the disgusting piece of trash the townsfolk referred to her as.

  Which was why she stood here, having an oral wrestling match with Coleen.

  Coleen was the conniving, cheating, lying owner of the brothel. While Gloria knew very well that she had earned enough money to be independent of Coleen, Coleen insisted Gloria still owed her for boarding, food, and clothing. Not to mention the twenty percent Coleen always took from the money Gloria made.

  But Gloria wouldn’t let Coleen’s shiftiness upset her. She knew when to get her money, and best of all, she knew how. Today, however, she was going to dinner with the kind old man whether Coleen approved or not.

  Gloria stood on tiptoes and glared into the eyes of the six-foot woman who stood before her, brown hair falling to a mess on her shoulders.

  “Move!” Gloria growled.

  “I’ve said it over and over again, Gloria. I’m not letting you go when the man in question refuses to seek my permission. You know how ridiculous you sound trying to convince me that this dinner does not involve other things and you must seriously think that I’m a fool and you can keep the money to yourself when you know I’m entitled to twenty percent.”

  “Think whatever you want Coleen! I’m not your slave, and you can’t keep me here!”

  “You do owe me, Gloria and this is a business contract. You can’t leave without my permission, and I said no!”

  Gloria stared at Coleen, fighting the overwhelming urge to slam her head against the door frame.

  One peek behind Coleen and Gloria could see a small crowd of girls, between the ages of fifteen and thirty-eight, staring at the two as they exchanged words.

  Gloria almost felt sorry for those teenagers who chose this life. She knew very well that some of them didn’t want this kind of life, but there were those who walked in willingly, and she was one of them.

  Fists on her hips, Gloria’s angry gaze moved back to Coleen who looked too calm for Gloria’s liking.

  “Get out of my way, or God help me Coleen, you’re going to regret it!”

  “I don’t think so.” Coleen stayed glued to her position by the door.

  Gloria knew it was way past seven. Angered, she reached forward and grabbed Coleen by the wrist, before yanking her from the path.

  She made her way out of the door and down the dingy stairway. The entire place smelled of alcohol and tobacco. Housed in this building was the scum of the town. Their eyes trailed her movement, mentally stripping her naked as she passed by. Slimy hands reached out to grab her, but she was accustomed to their antics, easily maneuvering her way past them while simultaneously ignoring their nasty comments as she made her way to the door and pushed it wide open.

  Something in Gloria wanted to escape this self-imposed prison. It had been ten years since she was even seated on a dinner table.

  A cold wind washed over her face, filling her nostrils with clean air. With her arms outstretched, she welcomed the first wave of freedom as it washed over her. She was on her way to a man’s house, not to prostitute herself, but to eat. It was a feeling that caused joyous laughter to erupt from her lips.


  Hunger gnawed at Howard’s stomach causing it to rumble in protest. The frown on his face deepened as he clutched his stomach and glared at his empty plate; they were required to wait in hunger until his father’s dinner guest arrives. The only problem with the requirement was the guest’s incredible ability to be tardy.

  He glanced at his father who had his eyes fixed on the entrance to the dining room. His knowledge of the difficulty his father must have been forced to endure having sprinkled Hannah’s ashes only a few hours ago, restrained him from voicing his displeasure of having to wait.

  “A little while now, Howard,” his father pleaded.

  He ignored the old man who sat across from him. He didn’t see the need in responding. He’d wait a few more minutes before forfeiting dinner altogether.

  The sound of the front door opening drifted to them, his father straightening as a result.

  “Sir, your guest is here,” Jackson, the butler, announced.

  Stuart smiled and rose to his feet. He made his way toward the entrance.

  “I’m sorry, I’m late.”

  Howard was stunned to hear a soft female voice behind him, but he didn’t turn around to find out who she was. All that mattered was her total disrespect for time.

  “Nonsense!” Stuart waved her off. “Welcome, Gloria.”

  Howard ransacked his mind, trying to remember if he had heard that name in the past. He knew he hadn’t.

  “Howard?” Stuart called.

  Heaving a breath, Howard turned slightly to find his father staring at


  “I’d like you to meet Gloria.” Stuart moved to the side, revealing a dark-haired woman. Fierce green eyes reflected off of the candlelight. Howard had to press his lips to keep from gasping. Her skin was so white; it made him believe she had never been exposed to sunlight. Black curly locks rested atop her head. His gaze traveled down her body, taking in every dent in her figure. A simple gold necklace rested comfortably against her neck, its pendant resting comfortably in her bosom. Her hands were covered in white gloves that ran all the way to her elbows. She wore a red gown with white fringes around the collar and a synched waist.

  “Howard?” his father spoke, pulling him back to the present. He glanced at Stuart who had an eyebrow raised. Then, his gaze traveled to himself, to find that he was still seated.

  Embarrassed, he rose to his feet and held out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  Gloria glanced at his outstretched hand before raising her gaze to his. He noticed the small frown that creased her forehead as she ignored his hand. “Likewise.” She offered a slight nod before turning to Stuart. “I’m sure everyone has had enough of waiting for dinner.” She giggled.

  “Howard has had on a frown all evening.” Stuart laughed before placing her hand in the crook of his arm and leading her to the chair beside Howard.

  Settled comfortably on her seat, Gloria offered Stuart a smile.

  “I’ll get the food,” Stuart announced, rising to his feet. Before Stuart turned from the table, Howard noticed the sparkle in his eyes.

  Howard had to fight to keep a smile from creasing his face. So, his father noticed his interest in Gloria? And if his father’s leaving the room to get their food, even if it was highly unnecessary, was anything to go by, then his father was giving him his blessing.

  Howard had met many women in his time, many prettier than the woman who sat before him. But he treated them all as nothing but instruments to be used and dumped. He saw them all with the same eyes he saw his mother: liars, cheats, and opportunists. It was a realization that brought great sadness in his father’s way. But now, seeing this woman, who sat beside him, Howard could hardly tear his gaze from her. There was something about her that drew him in. Yet, she sat beside him like he didn’t exist, her eyes traveling around the expensive furniture in the dining room.

  His gaze traveled around the room with her. The Sullivan’s San Francisco mansion was extremely grand: five bedrooms, three extra rooms in the left-wing of the house for the household helps, a living room, a family dining room, and a grand dining room that could seat fifty people.

  Howard was born within these high walls. And even if he could hardly remember what it was living here, he could vaguely remember leaving in the middle of the night when they had to leave the mansion. While away, his father kept ownership of the house and its staff.

  He cleared his throat, causing Gloria to turn to him. “My grandfather bought this land for next to nothing.”

  Gloria observed him for a moment before turning away. Howard couldn’t say what it was, but something in him felt despised by the woman who sat beside him.

  Thankfully, his father arrived just in time to get dinner started.

  With the meal before him, Howard found it impossible to eat, his mind completely occupied with the knowledge of the presence of the woman seated beside him, ignoring him.


  Gloria felt Howard's eyes on her. She noticed the way his eyes ran over her the moment she arrived, the way he stripped her naked with his gaze. She noticed the fact that his eyes never left her even after dinner was over, and they sat for a cup of tea in the living room.

  Howard’s unsolicited attention wasn’t new to her. But she ignored him and focused instead on the pair of kind brown eyes that was before her.

  Stuart was very pleasant to speak with, and by the time she decided she needed to leave, it was almost midnight. He offered to escort her home, but she waved him off. She didn’t want to drag him into her life as a prostitute, and she knew she could handle herself on the streets.

  She was pulling her coat over her dress and was about to head out of the door when Howard finally spoke, causing her to freeze in her track.

  Turning around, she stared at him, shocked. For a moment, she thought she heard him say…

  “Marry me!” he repeated.


  Gloria’s heart pounded loudly in her chest, drowning out the sound of the wagon as it made its way down the rough path to the brothel. She couldn’t stop picturing Howard and his ridiculous announcement a few minutes ago. She had never, in her entire life, been proposed to and while the concept was insane and absurd, she actually liked the feeling. Someone needed her; someone didn’t see her as a thing to be summoned when desired.

  But still, she knew Howard had no idea who she was, hence the proposal. The air had literally been knocked out of her lungs, rendering her speechless. It took the intervention of Stuart looping his arm in hers and ushering her into his wagon that salvaged the situation. To say she was embarrassed would have been watering down the fact. And Gloria never felt embarrassment in her life.

  Stuart sat beside her in the wagon, speaking no words. She could feel it deep down that the old man had a lot to say but chose silence.

  Heaving a breath, she faced him. “Please tell me you are not considering this, knowing who I am.”

  He sighed. “I am.” It was a mere whisper, but she heard it clearly.

  “What?!” She suddenly felt she was going to faint.

  He turned to her then. “Listen, Gloria, my son Howard―”

  “―is lusting over me. Which doesn’t offend me seeing as I’m a…well, I’m not some undefiled virgin and all…”

  Stuart shook his head and rubbed his palm together as if to keep warm. “Not lust. I have seen Howard lust over many women. Thankfully, none has evoked a proposal from him.”

  “You can’t possibly mean love?” Her eyelids widened.

  “Not love either” ―she sighed loudly at his words― “but a spark. I saw it the moment he laid his eyes on you.” He turned fully to her. “You, Gloria, have been capable of evoking feelings in Howard that I didn’t even know existed. You have somehow made my son feel again in less than two seconds of meeting him.”


  “I’m not asking you to fall in love with him, Gloria, I’m asking you to bring my son back to me. Bring him out of this dark world he has buried himself in. Be that spark and please Gloria,” he took captive of her hands, eyes wide with desperation, “turn that spark into a flame that will cause him to see again.”

  “You know who I am.” Her words came out in soft whispers as her heart pounded in her chest. Stuart was certainly crazy! It was the only explanation there was to a man asking a known prostitute to marry his son.

  “Three thousand dollars, this is the price for the heart of my son. A year, stay married to him for a year then leave.”

  “The whole town knows who I am!” she half-yelled, panicking.

  “Not in Arkansas.” He heaved a breath, managing a smile. “No pressure, dear, but we leave tomorrow morning.” He planted a kiss on her knuckles. “I think we are here.” He nodded toward the black two-story building that stood outside; a reminder of the life that awaited her the moment she would disembark the wagon.

  “Good night, Stuart.” Gloria leaned forward and planted a light kiss on his cheek before turning to find the wagon door held open by the driver who held out his hand to her. She took it and climbed down.

  She didn’t know why, but she found herself contemplating over Stuart’s offer as she made her way up the front stairs. She took a deep swallow of fresh air before pushing the door open as the smell of liquor and sweaty old men, assaulted her nostrils.

  She maneuvered her way up the stairs to her room. Turning the knob, the door wouldn’t give way. With a frown, she tried again but nothing. She put her entire body weight on the door and pushed hard.


  Whirling around, she turned to face the intruder. It was Julie, the fifteen-year-old who had been brought in a month ago. She remembered the innocence she once saw in Julie’s eyes when she was first brought in. Right now, the half-naked teen who stood before her was anything but innocent.

  “Miss Coleen says you are no longer welcome here.” Julie lifted her chin.

  Of course, Coleen! Gloria didn’t know why she hadn’t thought of it. Turning from the teen, she stormed down the stairs and easily found Coleen’s room. Without bothering to knock, she pushed the door open to find Coleen in a less than a decent position with a man.

  “Gloria!” Coleen exclaimed, even if her eyes held no shame in them. Her gaze was filled with anger and wrath.

  “Get out!” Taking hold of the man’s dirty locks, Gloria pushed him out of the door, ignoring his loud cursing. Thankfully, he was drunk and couldn’t fight back. She picked up his clothes and threw it at him, before slamming the door in the face of the small crowd that was now gathering. She turned to face a raging Coleen. “You have no right to tell me where I can and cannot sleep!”

  “Max!” Coleen yelled. It didn’t take Max a second to appear. “Get this lunatic out of here!”

  Gloria released a loud laugh. “Just like that, Coleen? You think you can be rid of me just like that?” She glared at her. “Fine, give me the money you owe me.”

  “Last I checked, you owe me, not the other way around.”

  “I swear to you, Coleen, try me this very moment, and I’ll burn this building down!”

  Coleen knew Gloria was capable of anything. Still, she wouldn’t budge and instead turned to Max. “Get her out of here!”

  Gloria offered a triumphant smile; she might have been many things, but she wasn’t a woman to be trifled with. She had endured Coleen’s cheating and deceptive ways for too long. Perhaps it was time to fight fire with fire.

  “Fine! I warned you, Coleen.” She offered Coleen a nod.

  Turning to face the door, she walked out of there that evening, triumphant. By tomorrow morning, Coleen would have no idea what hit her. Good thing Gloria would be on her way to Arkansas, safe from the fire that was sure to consume the entire town.