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Faces of Love Page 6
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Page 6
“I brought someone for you to meet.” Howard ignored his sarcasm.
“Oh cut the horse shit, Howard! I do not need a nurse and just because you have somehow managed to find out about my condition, doesn’t make me less valuable to the world.”
“Of course not!” It wasn’t until Alice spoke, that Howard realized she had made her way to Stuart, her slender form standing beside him.
“Know what I think, Stuart?” A pause followed her question. Howard was certain after about three minutes of waiting for a reply from Stuart that the latter wasn’t going to acknowledge her question. But Alice was patient as she stood there, her eyes scanning the environs outside.
“Pray tell,” Stuart answered gruffly.
“I think you got the best room in this mansion!” Alice squealed.
A loud laugh followed her words, leaving Howard with a smile on his face as he watched his father laugh for the first time that morning.
“I had to wrestle Howard for it,” Stuart said amidst his laughter.
Alice turned to Howard, a sparkle in her eyes. “Seems fine to me, Howard! I mean a man who can wrestle a man of your standing and win?!” She laughed. “You, Stuart, do not need a nurse.” She smiled at Stuart before falling to her knees before him and clutching her hands together before her in a prayer stance. “But your rejection of me will be sentencing me to the cold, cold streets of Arkansas!”
Howard was convinced she was an actress. He watched the scene with piqued interest.
“I must confess that I have no experience of being a nurse, so what you’re going to be getting in me is a clumsy twenty-year-old female with fourteen siblings back home in Salt Lake who are depending on their big sister to feed them and well, Stuart….” She pouted.
“Fine!” Stuart rose to his feet and turned to Howard. “We can keep this one but only because she begged.” He rolled his eyes before offering a hand to Alice.
Howard wished she hadn’t accepted his father’s weak hand but Alice did, and rose to her feet. Apparently, her action pleased his father who smiled in satisfaction. “Plus, I like her. Unlike the others, she thinks I am human.” Stuart turned to Alice. “Your first mission, Soldier, will be bursting me out of jail.”
Howard fought desperately to keep from laughing.
“Then we can get you your first real meal in hours, commander!” Alice gave a pretty good rendition of a salute. “If you’ll come with me…” She offered Howard a smile before leading Stuart out of the bedroom door.
Howard knew he made the right choice with the brunette who was now his father’s nurse.
He made his way out the door, Gloria filling his thoughts and shame filling his body. He almost took advantage of her last night. He was determined that he wasn’t going to try to be intimate with Gloria until she falls in love with him but he broke his own rule last night because he was drunk, but thankfully, she turned him down.
He walked to her bed room door and pounded on it. After standing for a few minutes without a response, he turned to walk away but caught a glimpse of her walking toward her room, her eyes fixed to the floor, her gown from last night’s ball still on.
He waited patiently for her to look at him. She didn’t raise her gaze until she caught a glimpse of his shoes. She raised surprised eyes to him and pulled to a halt a few feet away.
“Howard?” she whispered.
“Hello, Gloria.” He offered a small smile.
“What are you doing here?” Her gaze shifted back to the floor.
“I came to apologize.” He took measured steps to her. Once before her, he took hold of her chin and gently lifted it up. “I’m sorry, Gloria, last night—”
She shook her head, tears glistening in her eyes. “Don’t! Don’t, Howard.”
Without another word, she maneuvered her way past him and practically ran into her room, slamming the door behind her.
He stood frozen on the spot and utterly confused.
“Mind if I join you up there? “ Gloria held her eyelids shut, dreading the inevitable conversation she knew she’d have to have with Howard who was now standing by the foot of the tree.
She wanted to be anywhere but close to him and after her embarrassing outburst that morning, she longed desperately for the ground to open up and swallow her whole. She had spent her entire morning locked up in her room and only let herself out when she needed to eat something. She had gotten a quick meal, bolted out of the house, and up a tree. Unfortunately for her, Howard managed to find her. If only she could make him disappear…
She leaned heavily against the branch of the tree and took a deep breath before opening her eyes.
“It’s your tree, Howard. I don’t believe I have a say in who gets to sit on it.”
“Wrong,” Howard simply answered before climbing up and coming to sit beside her. “You do have a say, seeing as we are married.” He turned to observe her, his eyes taking in her features.
She turned away, embarrassed at his scrutiny.
“I got father a nurse today,” he said, breaking the ice of silence that stood between them.
“Oh?” Gloria hadn’t bothered to check on Stuart, hoping that by avoiding him, she could avoid Howard too. How wrong she had been. “I don’t suppose Stuart took too warmly to the news.”
Howard chuckled. She glanced up at him to find his eyes sparkling with humor. “You know my father too well, Gloria.”
“Maybe.” She laughed before sitting upright, her legs hanging over the branch as she came to settle beside Howard. “Is she a good nurse?” She watched him as he nodded.
“Good enough to get Father to agree to hire her.”
“Really good, then.” She felt her smile broaden.
They sat there, an awkward silence building between them. Gloria’s eyes scanned the little gathering of trees that surrounded them, while her mind dreaded the question she knew Howard was bound to ask: where had she been all night?
What was this feeling of filth that stuck to her as she sat next to him? Why did she feel unworthy? Why did she feel the need to be worthy of anything?
She placed her hands in her lap and sighed. All she wanted was to be alone but seeing as Howard wasn’t willing to give that to her, she might as well spend a little time with Stuart and see how he’s doing.
Straightening, she leaned back slightly, her hands holding firmly to the branch beneath her. Holding her eyes tightly shut, she pushed herself forward and released her hold on the branch. In a matter of seconds, she was landing firmly on her two feet at the foot of the tree.
“What the—” Howard nearly fell backwards at the sight of her little antic.
She offered him a broad smile. It had been ages since she did that and while she didn’t think she’d land safely, she had to risk it. She doubted Howard would let her pass by him without interrogating her and he did occupy her only exit off the tree. She was left with no choice.
Gathering her skirt in her hands, she turned and began running, maneuvering her way through the gathering of trees, up the little hill, and through the valley.
“Gloria!” She could hear Howard’s breathless call a little distance away.
Giggling, she hastened her pace and ran as fast as she could, strands of her hair being carried about by the wind as her dress danced to the rhythm of the breeze and the cold air filled her lungs.
“Gloria! Oh, come on!”
“Too slow, Howard!” She laughed, turning slightly to find him sprinting toward her.
The house stood a little distance away and with what was left of her strength, she hastened her pace until she was racing through the house, the household staff turning briefly from their work to give her an annoyed look.
“Mrs. Sullivan?”
Gloria only came to a halt when she hit something solid. Breathless, she hunched over to take deep swallows of air, hoping that Howard had given up on his chase.
“Is there a wild animal on the loose?” Bradford’s sarcas
m wasn’t lost on her. He arched a perfect brow, annoyance visible in his grey eyes.
Bradford was the butler of the Sullivan’s Arkansas home. She hadn’t had too many encounters with him, and when she did, she had an odd feeling that he was looking down his crooked nose on her.
Straightening, she turned her gaze to the butler, annoyed. “It would seem. Now, before that animal catches up to me, would you be so kind as to grace me with the information of where it is Mr. Sullivan would be spending his afternoon?”
A loud sound from the door drew both their attention. Gloria wasn’t surprised to see Howard standing there, red faced from having to run for so long.
“Sir?” Bradford looked somewhat embarrassed to find his master looking so dishevelled.
“It would seem Gloria here loves a little chase” Howard’s gaze was fixed on her.
“You call that a little? Howard, you’re completely flushed!” She laughed.
“I can say the same about you, Gloria. Now, if you wouldn’t mind telling me what that was about—”
She turned at the mention of her name, thankful to find Stuart making his way toward her, his arms outstretched for a hug. She also noticed the pretty brunette who came to a halt beside Howard as Stuart wrapped her in a warm embrace.
“I was looking for you,” Stuart said.
She offered him a smile before leaning forward and planting a light kiss on his cheek. “I can honestly say the same thing.”
“This is Alice.” He motioned to the brunette who maintained her position by Howard, her blue eyes lighting up as she nodded her head. “Howard insists I need a nurse.” Stuart took a hold of Gloria’s arm and began leading her away.
Gloria didn’t know why but she all, of a sudden, felt a need to stay. She didn’t want to leave Howard alone with a pretty brunette with pretty blue eyes and probably a pretty past as well. As a matter of fact, she didn’t feel safe with Alice around.
But she didn’t argue as Stuart led her away even if her mind could no longer hear a single word he said, even if all she could think about was the pretty brunette and how perfect she looked, standing beside Howard; a thought that filled Gloria with bitterness.
Gloria sat by Stuart’s bedside, stroking his aged fingers as he lay sleeping. It had been another long evening with Stuart’s hallucination of his late wife Hannah, and her having to take on the role of Hannah.
The first time Alice encountered the scene, she had been shocked beyond words. Having only come across Parkinson’s in the pages of a book, she was both amazed and intrigued to watch a real life case happen before her eyes.
It had taken two weeks of living in the Sullivan mansion and caring for Stuart, to witness the scene. Alice was also intrigued by Gloria and her skills when it came to handling Stuart. Many times, Gloria came to the rescue, soothing his fears while convincing him that his dead wife had somehow managed to rise from the dead.
It was one of those evenings and Stuart had finally fallen asleep. The rain poured heavily outside, slapping angrily against the window panes, threatening to break through and come right in.
Howard, who must have been exhausted, had retired to bed a few minutes ago. Alice stood by the wardrobe, folding some sheets while waiting for Gloria to leave but the black haired woman didn’t seem too keen on leaving Stuart’s side.
There was something about Gloria that Alice couldn’t quite place a finger on. Something… familiar. Alice knew her thinking was ridiculous but something in her recognized Gloria and it was a memory that kept eluding Alice.
Gloria, who was about five years Alice’s senior, seemed withdrawn and cold toward Alice. And while Alice prided herself for being the social butterfly, Gloria seemed almost ready to be friendly with anyone but Alice.
Hoping today would be the day to break the month old ice that had managed to solidify, creating a strong wedge between the two women, Alice dropped the last folded sheet in her hands and made her way to Gloria.
“The more I watch you care for Stuart, the more convinced I am that Howard shouldn’t have hired me when he has a woman such as yourself to care for his father.” Alice offered her brightest smile but Gloria didn’t even glance up to acknowledge her. Clearing her throat nervously, Alice settled on the bed beside Gloria. “Howard tells me of the bond you have formed with his father. While it’s embarrassing for me to ask, do you mind sharing with me your knowledge of Mr. Sullivan’s disease?”
Still, nothing. Alice was almost certain that Gloria wasn’t even breathing.
Nervous, Alice glanced down at her fingernails. Her mother had worked so hard to get her to stop biting her nails when she was nervous but as Alice glanced at them, the old urge to bite them all off came rushing back.
Could Gloria really despise her? Alice couldn’t say she knew the reason Gloria would choose to hate her so much. All Alice had ever tried to do was be nice to her.
Deciding on a change of topic, she turned to Gloria. “How about telling me how you and Howard met, if you don’t mind?”
Gloria heaved a breath before rising to her feet and turned to give her a sour look. “I do mind, Alice. Enough chit chatter for one night, don’t you think?”
And with that, she watched as Gloria began making her way to the door, her figure looking quite familiar.
A frown creased Alice’s her face. She was nearly certain that, given the time and some brainstorming, shed remember where it was she met Gloria, and something in her knew quite well that it wouldn’t be a fond memory.
Alice pulled out the last batch of cookies from the oven, her eyes scanning every piece to make certain it was baked just fine.
“Seems good to me,” Stuart called from his position on a kitchen stool where he sat munching on a piece of cookie.
“Everything looks good to you, Stuart.” She half laughed before walking over to him and refilling his glass of milk.
“There you are, Father.” Alice turned at the sound of Howard’s voice. Howard stood by the entrance of the kitchen, his gaze traveling around the room. “I didn’t know you’d taken to baking.” Howard turned a questioning gaze to his father.
“Seeing as I’m not allowed near my own business anymore,” Stuart answered gruffly.
Alice smiled at Stuart’s response. Howard wouldn’t let Stuart go back to handling the affairs of the family’s business and the revelation of such demeaning news had done much more than put Stuart on the edge.
If Alice did have a say in any of this, shed stand by Howard’s decision. Stuart’s hallucinations were only getting worse and becoming much more frequent.
“Care for some?” Alice flashed Howard a smile, holding a cookie up to his lips. “One bite of this and your obsession for chocolate cookies is bound to begin today.”
“No, thank you.” Howard shook his head, a smile on his face.
“One bite, Howard.” Alice insisted before offering him a pout.
He released a sigh and took a bite of the cookie in her hand. Waiting nervously for his reaction, she watched as he chewed slowly before nodding his head.
“See?” She half-squealed.
“I think we all see what it is you’re up to, Alice.”
Stunned, Alice looked past Howard to find Gloria by the door, her arms folded across her chest and anger written on her face.
“I came in for a glass of water but I guess I’ll just have to die of thirst. It does seem like a better option next to standing here having to watch you two love birds.”
Alice felt her cheeks catch fire as Gloria’s gaze travelled between the two of them.
Turning around sharply, Gloria walked out of the door and slammed it behind her.
Howard went after her.
She hastened her pace, anger racing through her veins. Gloria didn’t know why, but the sight of Howard and Alice always left a bitter taste in her mouth. It was a feeling that was
new to her and while she didn’t exactly like it, it left her feeling defensive. She wanted to protect Howard from the annoying nurse whose mission here she thought wasn’t to see to Stuart’s care, but to win Howard’s heart!
Why did Gloria feel a need to fight Alice?
Her marriage to Howard was anything but a real marriage. The only thing real about it was the documents that declared them married and nothing else. So what if Howard went ahead to fall in love with Stuart’s nurse?!
The thought of it left Gloria half racing down the hall. But it didn’t matter how many times she tried to convince herself that it was okay for Howard to care for other women, and it also didn’t matter that she tried to ignore his increasing interest in the nurse, all that mattered was the feeling of pure rage she felt as she stood there and watched as Alice fed Howard a cookie. It had taken all of her not to rip the Alice’s hair out.
“Gloria!” Firm hands suddenly clasped around her wrists, pulling her to a stop.
She turned to Howard, anger causing her heart to thump loudly in her chest. “Mind letting go of me?” She growled.
Howard just stood before her, his hands holding firmly to her wrists, stopping her from trying to escape. She stared at him, taking in his features: clean shaven, curly brown hair and eyes that sparkled with mischief even if they did hold a little fatigue in them.
Gloria knew of Howard’s decision to take full control of his father’s business. It was a decision that saw her going days on end without laying her eyes on him.
She missed him…
She nearly slapped herself for allowing the silly thought into her mind.
“Does this by any chance have anything to do with Alice?” His voice broke through her line of thought. She refocused her gaze on him; he had on a half grin.
With a frown, she wrestled against his hold on her wrist but he was stronger.
“Easy there, Gloria.”
“Unhand me right this minute, Howard!” she half-yelled.
“Why is that? Were you by any chance jealous?” He quirked a brow.